Learn how to stop sabotaging your success… in just 15min a day

Come and join me for Unstoppable, a 5-day Immersion for service-based entrepreneurs ready to shift from self-doubt and procrastination to confident action taker so that you can show up authentically online and start attracting your soul-aligned clients

9th to 13th October 2023

How self-sabotage cost me happiness, health and hard-earned cash!

Whenever I hit a big income month, I would then fall into a mental hole. I would feel burned out and I'd think, "I did so well, I may as well take some time off. I can afford it"

Then my income would drop.

So my mind would come in with, "See, told you couldn't maintain that income.  Success like this is for other people"

What would usually follow is an illness or my son would get sick.

My mind worked out a way that I would have all of these fabulous excuses about why I didn't have to do the work.

But I knew what was going on.

I had a fear that success would come with burnout, health issues and I'd spend heaps of time away from my family.

What I discovered was that I had control over these thoughts and I could shift how I feel. I implemented simple tools for 15 min a day that radically shifted how I showed up in my business and life.

👏 Instead of procrastinating, I took action easily and effortlessly

👏 My creativity, intuition and confidence exploded and a new offer popped into my head and I wrote it in under an hour

👏 I sold 3 spots in a high ticket offer in a week from a post and an email.

👏 My relationship with my husband and son improved (because I felt happy, centred and calm)

👏 Worrying about what everyone else thought became a thing of the past

I truly felt limitless!

Everything felt aligned without pushing against mental blocks. I’m now ready to share with you how I did this so you can do it too!

Introducing you to

A 5-Day LIVE immersion for online service-based entrepreneurs ready to shift from self-doubt and procrastination to confident action taker so that you can show up authentically online and start attracting your soul-aligned clients

Here's what we will do together:

Take the Saboteur Quiz: Discover your top 3 sabotaging behaviours that are holding you back in your business (...they are things you aren't consciously aware of)

5-Day LIVE Unstoppable immersion: In 15 minutes a day, learn simple, scientifically-proven tools created by a Standford lecturer that shift you away from doubt, fears and overwhelm and into positivity, happiness and creativity

Access to a private Facebook group: Receive my dedicated support so you can skyrocket your confidence and take action

Lifetime access to the content: Refresh on the tools whenever you need them

BONUS: Confidence, Clarity and Clients hypnosis audio: Reprogram your subconscious so you show up unapologetically and attract your ideal clients to you

✨ Take the Saboteur Quiz: Discover your top 3 sabotaging behaviours that are holding you back in your business (...they are things you aren't consciously aware of)

✨ 5-Day LIVE Unstoppable immersion: In 15 minutes a day, learn simple, scientifically-proven tools created by a Standford lecturer that shift you away from doubt, fears and overwhelm and into positivity, happiness and creativity

✨ Access to a private Facebook group: Receive my dedicated support so you can skyrocket your confidence and take action

✨ Lifetime access to the content: Refresh on the tools whenever you need them

✨ BONUS: Confidence, Clarity and Clients hypnosis audio: Reprogram your subconscious so you show up unapologetically and attract your ideal clients to you

 Sign up now for a no-brainer price of $1497 (AUD)

Client Love

The Immersion packs a punch in 5 days but don’t take it from me. Hear it from the Unstoppable participants…

Kate Hubert

 Mindful Movement & Meditation Teacher 

I always love working with Sam. There’s no fluff, the content and delivery are both consumable and actionable so I don’t feel like I’m waiting for the “aha” moment, it’s “aha” from the start. 

Learning about the different Saboteurs, how they show up and when I am most vulnerable to them is my #1 takeaway.

Combining that awareness with having the tools to move away from the negative spiral has led to some subtle, yet powerful, shifts, especially around patience and overwhelm. 

I had such a positive experience with this course. I highly recommend working with Sam.

Erika Simon-Augustyn

Parenting Mentor

I worked with Sam in the Unstoppable course where she put the right content into a short live call. Everything was to the point and clear.

She’s so calm, honest and open. I immediately felt that Sam is a very genuine person with the right intention for her clients. She sees you truly as a human being not just someone who pays you. 

Working with her had a very positive effect on me. She gave me the perfect "push" to carry on and feel confident about what I am doing and where I am going.

She provided great tools to help me when I felt doubtful and also how to quieten my saboteurs, which I am using every day and it helps me.

I have full trust in Sam and in her work and I truly would work with her any day! So, if you are sitting on the fence, as they say, just be bold and jump in, you won't regret it!

Juliette Steer

Mindset & Systems Coach

I thoroughly enjoyed Unstoppable! As a therapist and coach myself, it's always good to find someone who you trust to give you information clearly and concisely and without any spin - and Sam is exactly that!

As a result, the FB group was a really open, authentic, supportive and non judgemental place to share our realisations, our journey and our truth.
I've found that the exercises she taught are so easy and accessible.

I'd previously had a practice of recognising my thoughts and shifting them, but Sam's technique and tools really allowed me to see them in a much easier way, and I can now release them in a much kinder way on myself.

I always love learning from you! Thank you, Sam!

Megan Tijani

Lifestyle and Wellness Coach

The initial quiz was amazing! It explained which saboteurs played a part in my life and business. It totally explained why I am a huge procrastinator!

I also discovered simple techniques to counteract the saboteurs. The next time I’m doubting myself I am equipped with my super quick ‘refocusing technique’.

This has been the most valuable information I have received because it deals with my mental blocks rather than superficial things.

Sam’s daily lives were short and packed full of information. Her support & guidance over the 5 days was invaluable. 

Sam’s feedback helped me to go even deeper when I provided my thoughts.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 5 days. 


The 5-Day Immersion Live sessions will run from 9 - 13 October. I will open the Facebook group a few days beforehand so we can get to know each other and close it out on 18 October.

You have lifetime access to the training in the Facebook group.

There will be a 15-minute live video within the private Facebook group each day (9 - 13 October). You can either tune in live or watch the replay. You will then need to implement the daily actions which will take 10 - 15 minutes a day to shift you from doubtful to unstoppable!

9 - 13 October at 10am (Sydney AEDT). No problem if you can’t attend live, you can catch up on the replay in the Facebook group at a time that suits you.

You can convert the time here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

$1497 AUD which is a no-brainer! 

I will send you a link to join the private Facebook group along with the link to the quiz to discover your top saboteurs so you are ready to kick off on the 9th.

Hi, I'm Sam!

I'm an Online Business Visionary and Strategist and expert subconscious mindset expert for high achieving online service-based entrepreneurs who know they are meant for so much more.

I empower them to breakthrough self-doubt, show up unapologetically and create simple, profitable businesses that they love so that they can make a massive impact on the world.

This is done through a powerful combination of scientifically-proven tools and a sprinkle of spiritual practices to shift subconscious beliefs, clear their energy and provide simple, effective methods that have them taking action fast.

Just like my clients who have skyrocketed their confidence, earned multiple five-figure months and doubled their prices within 30 days of working together.    

I'm also a published author, nature-loving Mum of one who lives in Sydney with her gorgeous family.  

I can't wait to see you at the course and to witness your incredible transformation!

Sam x